The GARCIA Foundation (SGF) does not carry out any projects itself. It makes financial resources available for projects of other organizations active in the field of charities that are in line with the objective of the GARCIA Foundation.
The basic principle is that these projects are carried out by reputable, recognized institutions that serve the public interest and operate nationally or internationally for the charity concerned. The SGF strives for long-term relationships to strengthen the projects we support and the partner organizations that implement them. The support of the GARCIA Foundation is primarily aimed at organizations that are active in the Netherlands, South Africa and the countries where the JOG Group B.V. manufactures its products.
Since its inception in 2004, Pebbles Project has aimed to enable children and young adults from agricultural communities to reach their full potential through education, health, and nutrition services. Spanning over 5geographical areas of the Western Cape, Pebbles Project currently supports over 1300 beneficiaries aged 0 - 25years.
In 2019, the dream became a reality when Stichting Clouds Foundation and Goede Mensen provided funding to build the Pebbles Kitchen: a 450m2 commercial kitchen situated at Klein Joostenberg in Stellenbosch. The Pebbles Kitchen produces approximately 2500 nutritious meals on a daily basis. These meals are blast frozen and distributed to the Pebbles education centres as well as other non-profit organisations and Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres across the Western Cape.
The Kusasa Academy provides a critical educational foundation to 150 underprivileged children– girls and boys from the shacks, farms and disadvantaged communities. The Academy looks to raise the quality of education in the community in order to develop literate, compassionate, respectful, communicative, imaginative, multi-lingual students, who are well prepared to make a positive impact in the future. Using a “whole-child” approach, their teachers begin with the understanding that each child deserves to be healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged to reach their potential. Parents are also fully supportive, providing a set volunteer hours each year and being fully engaged with the school.